Mainly Production equipment


High-speed chip mounter

The RX-7R is a high speed mounting system for smaller components. The dual lane conveyor expands the board size capability and now can handle two L size PCBs (420 x 450mm) as compared to the of previous range of two M-sized boards (250 mm x 330 mm).

Reflow Oven JTE-1000DR

Fully meet the requirements of various lead-free soldering processes. Standard upper 10 and lower 10 air furnaces. PLC + PID closed-loop control, stable and reliable performance, high temperature control and curve repeatability.

Testing equipment



3D SPI systems work at maximum speed and precision to inspect the solder paste application even for demanding assemblies..

Operating instructions


X-rays use invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs on film or digital media.

Operating instructions


Multi-functional intelligent AOI with high resolution industrial camera system, capture quality defects at every moment.

Operating instructions

Other parts of the instrument

2Electron MicroscopeHDMI3860-1080PProductionOK
3LCR digital bridgeTH2810B+LCR meterQualityOK
4Furnace temperature testerStartProductionOK
5Soldering Iron Temperature Tester191ADProductionOK
6First piece testerHX-FAI-300QualityOK
7Pointer push-pull gaugeNK-200 (ANALOG)QualityOK
8Electronic balanceJEA602WarehouseOK
9SMT Parts CounterCotWarehouseOK
10Surface Resistance Tester385(SURPA)QualityOK
11Electrostatic Field TesterFMX-003(SIMCO)QualityOK
12Ground Resistance TesterVC4105AQualityOK
13Pressure testerYF2670AM+R&DOK

When it comes to PCB assembly, Leadsintec utilizes state-of-the-art equipment that allows the exacting precision necessary for the entire assembly process, including X Ray, solder paste, pick and place and more.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, each equipment will be regularly maintained and will be recorded. Likewise, our instruments or test equipment are regularly calibrated for accuracy. The equipment operators must undergo strict training before taking up their posts, and each equipment or facility has detailed operating instructions.

Everything is for product quality!