What is PCB HS Code

What is PCB HS Code ?

“HS Code” is based on the code number set by the International Convention on the “Commodity Name and Code Coordination System” (HS Convention), which is used to classify various imports and exports in international trade. Each cargo is assigned a unique classification number so that the type of cargo can be clearly identified. HS coding is critical to international trade, and it is closely related to the determination of tariffs. With the implementation of free trade agreements such as TPP and EPA, the demand for the “origin certificate” is increasing, and the formulation of the original place of origin depends on the HS encoding. Therefore, accurate understanding and using HS coding are particularly important in international trade.

HS coding is a code number, which gives the sole category number to various goods that import and export, so that you can understand what the goods look like in the world. It is an HS code because it is a code number defined by the HS Convention. The HS Convention is an international convention about the name of the product name and the coding coordination system.

The above HS Treaty is managed by the World Customs Organization (WCO), and 158 countries including China and the European Union are members of the HS Treaty. Some countries /regions use HS encoding, so more than 200 countries /regions use HS encoding.

What is PCB HS Code?

Printing circuit boards are a very frequent product in the world today. Understanding the HS code of PCB is particularly important to related trade. The customs code of the printing circuit board is 8534,0000. 8534 is the coding class number of the product, and 0000 represents the sub -category number under the product. In the actual customs declaration, the corresponding sub -classification number is required according to the specific classification standards of the printing circuit board.

Break Down of PCB HS Code

The specific HS Code for PCBs is 8534.00.00. This code consists of six digits, with each digit serving a specific purpose in product classification. Let’s break down the PCB HS Code to understand its significance:

85: The first two digits, 85, represent the broader category of electrical machinery and equipment. This category includes a wide range of electrical and electronic products, making it essential to narrow down the classification further.

34: The next two digits, 34, specify the subcategory of printed circuit boards. This subcategory is more specific and directs customs officials to the realm of PCBs within the broader electrical machinery and equipment category.

00: The final two digits, 00, provide additional details and differentiation within the subcategory. While these digits might seem generic, they help customs authorities identify the specific type of PCB being imported or exported, allowing for accurate customs procedures and tariff determination.

Printed Circuit Board Assembly, often referred to as PCBA, are the backbone of modern electronic devices. They serve as the foundation for connecting and supporting various electronic components like microchips, capacitors, and resistors. PCBs come in various shapes, sizes, and configurations, making it essential to have a specific HS Code for them.

The HS Code for PCBs, 8534.00.00, simplifies the process of customs clearance when shipping or receiving these crucial electronic components across international borders. Customs authorities can quickly identify and classify PCBs, ensuring that the appropriate import duties and tariffs are applied.

What does the PCB HS code do?

PCB HS code plays a very important role in international trade. Specifically, the role of PCB HS code is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

1. Commodity classification and categorization: HS code is a standardized system for the classification of international trade commodities, which allows customs to accurately classify and categorize commodities. For PCB, its HS code can help the customs identify and categorize this particular electronic product.

2. Customs tariff collection: HS code is an important basis for customs to collect tariffs. According to the HS code of PCB, customs can determine the corresponding tariff rate, so as to carry out the collection of tariffs.

3. Trade statistics: HS code is also used in international trade statistics. Customs of all countries according to the HS code of import and export commodities statistics, which helps to reflect the national import and export trade conditions, for the government to formulate trade policy to provide data support.

4. Trade control: HS code helps to implement trade control measures, such as quotas, licenses, bans and restrictions. Through HS codes, it can be determined whether PCBs are subject to trade control measures, thus ensuring trade compliance.

5. Transportation and Logistics: During the transportation and logistics of goods, HS codes can help transportation and logistics companies accurately identify goods and improve transportation and logistics efficiency. For electronic products such as PCBs, the correct HS code helps ensure their safety and efficiency during transportation.

PCB declaration requirements

When the declaration of the printing circuit board, you need to pay attention to the following requirements:

1. Code accurately. Select the sub -classification number corresponding to the printing circuit board according to the actual situation to avoid punishment or retention caused by incorrect coding errors.

2. Provide a complete production process. In the declaration form, the production process of printing circuit boards is required, including the procurement, production, processing, and testing of materials to facilitate the customs of the customs to check the printing circuit board.

3. Apply for accurate materials and technical parameters. In the declaration form, the substrate material, copper foil thickness, plate thickness, diamond diameter, line width, line distance, and line distance of the printing circuit board are required to accurately declare.

4. The replacement of the leading production process must be reorganized. If you replace the leading production process, you need to report to the customs and re -produce the customs declaration form.

5. Comply with relevant national quality standards. Printing circuit boards need to meet national quality standards, such as ISO, UL, etc.


The PCB HS code plays a vital role in international trade. It is not only the key to customs identification and classification of import and export products, but also an important for customs to determine the tariff rate, impose import tariffs, regulatory trade measures, and implementing regional protectionist policies. in accordance with. Therefore, when conducting PCB import and export trade activities, the relevant HS codes must be declared correctly to ensure the smooth progress of trade and compliance.